Who We Are

Our team of creatives care deeply about others and never stop chasing personal and professional excellence.

Jeremy Diamond

Jeremy Diamond


Jordan Winn

Jordan Winn


Ellise Verheyen

Ellise Verheyen

Content Strategist

Jacob Burns

Jacob Burns


Lexie Rodriguez

Lexie Rodriguez

Executive Assistant

Join our team →

Our Values

Value #1

People above all.

As a team, we value duality. Where business and creativity collide, Labor Division flourishes. We put ego to the wayside and work together to validate the strongest ideas.

We partner with kind and quality people that strive to generate positive change for their communities. Forward-thinking brands that are focused on improving outcomes for their neighbors need a creative team willing to push the boundaries of expectation.

Businesses are born when visionaries aim to solve a problem for their family, friends, and neighbors. We never lose sight of those people and focus on the brand consumer first. We develop the empathy necessary to improve their experiences.

Value #2

Fight for clarity & collaboration.

We believe that direct, honest feedback is essential to future growth for both individual and enterprise. We fight for our ideas, but are keenly aware that the best ideas come from unexpected places. We embrace risk knowing that fighting through mistakes leads to innovation.

Value #3

Know the values of speed and quality.

We hold ourselves to a high standard of excellence. For most processes, generating a quantity of diverse ideas is what leads to greatness. We also know the value in moving nimbly, trusting instincts and focusing on speed to execution (not perfection).

Value #4

Leap into the unknown without hesitation.

Any industry we take on requires us to become experts, and fast. Taking that first step into the dark is the best way for us to kickstart momentum for you. Simply put, every remarkable idea begins with a first draft.

Value #5

Focus on our vision.

We don't allow ourselves to be distracted by what others are doing. Instead, we are entirely focused on what will incite change and awareness. We are not seeking to keep up with the competition; we aim to set the pace.